2024年7月26日 星期五

International Phonetic Alphabet for French


IPA for Pronunciation of 
French Numbers 0 -101




French numbers : 0 and 1 to 10  ( 1-10 )
IPA+ : IPA with the diacritic symbol
             Under-ring [ ̥ ] or Over-ring [ ̊ ] for 
               tenuis (voiceless, unaspirated)  and
             Superscript H [ ʰ ] for 
               aspirated plosive
IPAtr : IPA for traditional French  ( French dictionary IPA )






標籤: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

2024年7月25日 星期四

International Phonetic Alphabet for Portuguese


Portuguese Alphabet
with IPA Pronunciation

IPA for Portuguese Vowels

IPA for Portuguese Consonants

標籤: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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