Korean Pronunciation and Romanization
Hunminjeong'eum (Hunminjeongeum) Table
(訓民正音 表, 훈민정음)
28 letters (28字)
IPA for Korean Vowels
Korean Vowel Diagram
Korean Vowel Triangle
Korean Vowel Space
Korean Vowel Chart
Korean Vowel Map
IPA for Korean Vowels
Korean Consonants
Pronunciation of Korean Stops
: IPA and SPA
-- classified by 2 VOT categories and 2 Tones
韓語 塞音 發音 : 國際 音標 与 簡明 音標
-- 依 2 塞音声序 及 2 声調 分類
2012-09-16 LAI, Jhi-Yang 賴志洋
1. Mid-to-Low pitched Tenuis stops (plain, lax or lenis ):
低調 單純 塞音 (平音,鬆音,全清,韓字
造字 本音,當代 韓語 多字詞 的 非詞首 發音):
바 ba [bà] [b̥a ˨]
다 da [dà] [d̥a ˨]
가 ga [gà] [g̊a ˨]
2. Mid-to-Low pitched Aspirated stops (initial allophone: lax or lenis in phrase-initial position):
低調 送氣 塞音 (鬆音,詞首变音,次清,
當代 韓語 單字詞 及 多字詞 詞首 發音):
바 b̀a = p̀a [pà] [pʰa ˨]
다 d̀a = t̀a [tà] [tʰa ˨]
가 g̀a = k̀a [kà] [kʰa ˨]
3. High pitched Aspirated stops:
高調 送氣 塞音 (激音,次清):
파 pa [pa̋] [pʰa ˥]
타 ta [ta̋] [tʰa ˥]
카 ka [ka̋] [kʰa ˥]
4. High pitched Tenuis stops (tense or fortis):
高調 單純 塞音 (濃音,緊音,全清):
빠 b̎a [ba̋] [b̥a ˥]
따 d̎a [da̋] [d̥a ˥]
까 g̎a [ga̋] [g̊a ˥]
Korean Numbers:
Pronunciation and Romanization
Voice Onset Time Notations in
Simple Phonetic Alphabet and
International Phonetic Alphabet